Vein FAQs


Coastal Vein and Vascular Specialists want to make sure you have the answers to all the questions you may have about your vein or vascular disease. Below are a list of questions we receive most often and accompanying answers. If you still want more information, please feel free to contact us at: 561-295-4110

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and often painful veins close to the skin. They most often occur in the legs and can be a sign of venous insuffiency, or failure of the valves in the veins to work properly. These valves in the veins become incompetent and allow blood to flow backwards. This backward blood flow is what causes these veins to become engorged and enlarged.

Varicose veins commonly cause many symptoms in the legs, including:

  • Pain
  • Tiredness
  • Fatigue
  • Heaviness
  • Swelling
  • Throbbing
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Aching

These symptoms are typically worse at the end of a day and can get better with rest or elevating the legs. If left untreated, these varicose veins will always worsen over time and can lead to significant complications, such as blood clots, skin inflammation and discoloration, and even skin ulceration at the later stages of the disease. With effective treatment of varicose veins, progression of these complications can be stopped.

What is Venous Disease?

Vein disease is also known as venous insufficiency or superficial venous reflux. It is a condition that develops when the valves in the veins become damaged or diseased. These damaged valves allow blood to flow backwards in your legs which can cause pooling in the lower part of your leg. This can then cause significant leg swelling. If left untreated, serious complications may develop over time. It is important not to ignore varicose veins and symptoms of venous hypertension.

What causes varicose veins?

These symptoms are typically worse at the end of a day and can get better with rest or elevating the legs. If left untreated, these varicose veins will always worsen over time and can lead to significant complications, such as blood clots, skin inflammation and discoloration, and even skin ulceration at the later stages of the disease. With effective treatment of varicose veins, progression of these complications can be stopped.


  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Estrogen/progesterone containing medications
  • Previous DVT (deep venous thrombosis) or Blood clots
  • Standing for long periods of time (i.e. related to jobs that require standing for long shifts)

How are varicose veins treated? Is it painful?

There are several ways varicose veins can be treated. CVVS vein clinic prefers the least invasive techniques available that can provide you with the best and most painless results possible. There are two minimally invasive techniques that CVVS uses: The ClosureFast Procedure and the VenaSeal Closure System. Both provide superior and pain-free results that will get you back to your daily life in no time at all. Your Vascular Specialist can provide you with more details for each procedure.